#2: Meet the Pimp Twins
Meet Byron and Myron Flats.
They run a series of popular internet porn websites. They are also the owners/managers of The Sock Monkey strip club.
However, they weren’t always in the sex trade.

Myron dreamed of being a five star chef.

He was a connoisseur of many olive oils.

Byron was more of a bookish sort.
He had a thing for Oscar Wilde. He even earned an advanced degree in Irish Literature.
However, dreams of being a famous chef or esteemed professor do not pay the bills.
Running a popular porn site – however – does. Perhaps it was the dashed hopes and dreams of the Flats twins which lead them into a career of smut and skin-sales. Or, perhaps, the problem stems from the fact that in their early years, they were frequently worn with sandals.
Speculation and psychology aside, one thing is true: Byron and Myron Flats would eventually become the billionaire proprietors of the seediest sock puppet burlesque show this side of Budapest.
Among other things, they would make Penelope Boots a star, a feat which would ultimately lead to her emotional and physical unravelling.
Stay tuned to find out how the Flats twins met Penelope and how – in one fell swoop- they went from aspiring chef and academic to raunchy sock puppet pimps.
Post Categories: Byron Flats, episodes, Myron FlatsTags: comedy, sock puppets