Sorceress Ghillies
Hometown: Dubrovnik, Croatia
Age: 904
Favorite Color: Black
Hopes: To rid the world of evil socks who prey on the weak
Fears: To become evil herself
After a life of wickedness, Sorceress Ghillies suffered an ancient curse. She will endure immortality until she fulfills her destiny: to defeat a scurrilous duo. Sorceress Ghillies does not know which duo she is meant to foil, so she travels the world looking for pairs of evildoers. She’s also developed quite a case of misandry and often curses male socks just for kicks. Over the years, Ghillies developed a knack for all these mystic, and she learned in the 1970s how to read socks’ fortunes concurrently with the mastery of several key disco moves.